Election Results - Nov. 3rd, 2020

Elections Ahead


ELECTION RESULTS can be found at this HERE

Where:The polling location is the Waterville Valley Conference Center, located at 56 Packard's Road. This is a NEW LOCATION for Voting!! Please help in spreading the word to voters in town!!

When: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. The Polls will open at 11am and close at 7pm.

1. REMINDER TO ALL VOTERS!! The 11/03 Election will be taking place at the WV Conference Center at 56 Packard's Road from 11am - 7pm.


  • If you have not already returned your absentee ballot and you are in town, please either drop your ballot off in-person at the Town Offices OR mail it at the WV Post Office. WV Town Office hours are Mon. - Fri. 8am-4pm.
  • If you need an absentee ballot, please complete the request form and get it to the Town Offices ASAP (delivery methods listed below along with application form).
  • Absentee ballots may be requested up to 5pm on Monday,11/02/20.
  • Absentee ballot must be returned by 5pm on Tuesday, 11/03/20.

Absentee Ballot applications may be submitted to the Town Office either in person or by the methods listed below. They can be downloaded, printed and submitted to the Town Office. If you are unable to print the application, copies are available at the Town Office during normal hours of Monday - Friday from 8am to 4pm, non-holiday. Please review your application for accuracy prior to submission to be sure that it is fully completed. Applications submitted incomplete will delay your application being processed. To download, please go to this link: https://www.watervillevalley.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif1401/f/uploads/absentee_ballot_for_covid_2020.pdf

Please mail, email or fax your Absentee Ballot applications to:

Mailing address      Town of Waterville Valley, PO Box 500, Waterville Valley, NH 03215

Email address         townofwv@watervillevalley.org

Fax number            603-236-2056

Voters are able to track their Absentee Ballot request by visiting the NH Secretary of State at this link: https://app.sos.nh.gov/Public/AbsenteeBallot.aspx Voters will be able to view the dates that their Absentee Ballot Request is:

  1. received by the Town,
  2. ballot mailed to the voter,
  3. completed ballot received by the Town.