WV Elementary School Press Release 4/02/2021

Waterville Valley Elementary School
Waterville Valley Elementary School

Waterville Valley Elementary School Press Release from Superintendent Kyla Welch

April 2, 2021 12:30pm

To minimize the number of calls sent to parents, this notification will be sent by email only. Alert phone calls will be used for pivoting to remote learning, dismissals, closures, and delays.

We just learned that one student at Waterville Valley Elementary School tested positive for COVID-19. This student was last in the building on Monday, March 22nd. Waterville Valley Elementary School receives a deep clean nightly following cleaning protocols outlined by the NH DHHS. Therefore, WVES will continue with in-person learning. Should we receive guidance from NH DHHS that we need to pivot to remote for a period of time, we most certainly will do so.

Following guidelines from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), close contacts were identified and are being notified. A close contact is now defined as a person who is within 3 feet for more than 10 minutes while in the classroom or within 6 feet for more than 10 minutes in other school settings. NH DHHS will contact these individuals and will instruct them how to self-quarantine at home. Anyone directly exposed will be asked to quarantine until 10 days following their last possible exposure.

If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, chills, respiratoryillness, aches or change in taste and smell, please stay home and away from others and get a COVID-19 test.

Please note that if you or your child are currently quarantined, you must complete quarantine, even if your test is negative. This is because the maximum amount of time from being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 and testing positive is 10 days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.