Selectmen Implement Water Use Restrictions!! 9/24/2020

Public Notice


The Waterville Valley Board of Selectmen have implemented water conservation measures to help protect our drinking water resources through the on-going severe drought situation in this part of New Hampshire.

A copy of the Town’s Water Use Restriction Ordinance can be found HERE.  Under the level 4 water use restrictions the Selectmen adopted, landscape watering, filling swimming pools, the use of automated landscape sprinklers and the washing of streets, driveways, sidewalks or other impervious areas are all prohibited.  Additionally, washing of cars and boats are allowed at odd numbered addresses only on odd numbered days and at even numbered addresses only on even numbered days.  Due to the severity of the drought, the Selectmen have also prohibited the use of private water sources for residential law watering.  Commercial watering and other outdoor use of water is limited to water sources separate from the public drinking water supply only.

Water conservation is vital in our current drought conditions and we ask that everyone help our community by doing everything you can to conserve water as much as possible.  We have a link  HERE to more information from the NH Department of Environmental Services on additional actions you can take to help conserve even more.  If you have any questions about water resources, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at