Supervisors of the Checklist Session 3/4/23 @ 11am

Public Notice


Supervisors of the Checklist will meet in session on March 4, 2023, at the Waterville Valley Town Hall, 14 TAC  Lane, to add new voters and make corrections to the voter Checklist in preparation for the Town Election on March 14, 2023.    At the session, the Supervisors also will review the status of those individuals who received 30-day letters and make such adjustments to the checklist as are appropriate.  The session will be from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. and such extended hours as may be necessary.  Attached is a copy of the Checklist of currently eligible voters.

Prior to the March 4th session, new voter registrations or corrections to the Checklist may be made at the Town Hall by filing a voter registration form. Please bring ID for any change and, in addition, proof of domicile and citizenship for new registrations.        

After the March 4th session, no additions or corrections to the checklist shall be made until Election Day. 

Supervisors of the Checklist

Waterville Valley